Well, hello there – thank you so much for stopping by and visiting my website! I am very excited to be potting again after a long time away from that exciting and addictive combination of fire and clay.
I was extremely fortunate to have trained for five years under Master Potter Mirek Smisek (OBE) in Te Horo as a domesticware thrower. Mirek was one of New Zealand’s most admired potters – he was truly a wonderful person who encouraged creativity with a passion. Mirek himself trained with Shoji Hamada and Bernard Leach in Japan and St Ives – I still can’t believe how truly privileged I am to have been influenced by all these great masters of pottery.
I live in Ashhust now, just out of Palmerston North and have a lovely big section and studio and I am really looking forward to seeing where my “Creative Journey with Clay – Part 2” takes me.
I can’t help but continue to make tableware as I am a practical person and that is what I learnt. I really love being able to make a piece of functional pottery that can impart joy and meaning and ‘feel good’ factor into our daily lives with it’s quirkiness, function and beauty. I love adding just the subtlest thumbprint or texture purely to bring delight to the holder.
I will be making smaller, bespoke batches of work this time around, fired mostly in an electric kiln – but my gas kilns are standing by and beckoning to me. I am also hoping to explore more artistic, sculptural and outdoor pieces. I’ve got so many ideas, I just can’t wait!
Finding the space again to live my life as a potter is truly a gift and I am so thankful.
Thanks so much for taking the time to find out a little about me – I look forward to finding about you too. Please feel free to contact me via any of the options below or if you would like to enquire about placing an order or commission. All the best – Suzanne